Dot NET Conf 2023 sessions online

- 4 minute read

This week .NET 8 was released and just like last year accompanied by 3 days of conference filled with great sessions and new announcements. The sessions are now available online on the Dot NET Conf 2023 website. Enjoy watching them!

As always, the sessions are available on the .NET YouTube channel as well.

I took the liberty to list the sessions for easy reference:

.NET Conf 2023 - Keynote Highlights - YouTube
.NET Conf 2023 Keynote - Welcome to .NET 8 - YouTube
.NET Conf 2023 - Day 1 - YouTube
.NET Conf 2023 - Day 2 - YouTube
.NET Conf 2023 - Day Two After Hours + Day 3 - YouTube
Full stack web UI with Blazor in .NET 8
Building Cloud Native apps with .NET 8
What's New in C# 12
What's new with WinForms
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 8
ASP.NET Core Authentication Simplified
Entity Framework Core 8: Improved JSON, queryable collections , and more…
Unlocking the power of the Fluent UI Blazor components
All About C# Source Generators
Building beautiful Blazor apps with Tailwind CSS
What’s New in .NET MAUI
.NET Containers advancements in .NET 8
.NET Configuration In Depth
GitHub Copilot Tips for .NET Developers
Vertical Slice Architecture: How Does it Compare to Clean Architecture
Unleashing the Power of Cross-Platform Development with Avalonia UI
What's new in System.Text.Json
Tiny, fast ASP.NET Core APIs with native AOT
Performance Improvements in .NET 8, ASP.NET Core, and .NET MAUI
Improving your application telemetry using .NET 8 and Open Telemetry
ASP.NET Basics for Experts
CQRS with Event Sourcing using the “Critter Stack”
Introducing Grial Studio for .NET MAUI
Building next-gen applications with event-driven architectures
Use C# with Godot to make Games!
Reverse proxying is easy with YARP
Modernizing Rx.NET
Build hybrid apps with .NET MAUI
.NET is the best backend for your JavaScript frontend
What's New in NuGet for .NET 8
Everyday C# - A blend of modern and time tested features
Let’s catch up with C#! Exciting new features in C# 9, 10, 11 and 12!
Visual Studio Updates for .NET Devs
Unleashing Cross-Platform Magic in .NET 8: Creating .NET MAUI Apps on Linux with Visual Studio Code
Uno Platform 5.0: Elevate Your Cross-Platform .NET Development with .NET 8
Packing light with VS Code and the C# Dev Kit
Concurrent Hosted Service in .NET 8
AI for .NET with Semantic Kernel
Building Multi-Tenant ASP.NET Core Applications and ABP Framework
Build an Azure OpenAI powered .NET 8 Chat Bot on your data from scratch
Hardware Intrinsics in .NET
Learning C# and .NET with freeCodeCamp!
Azure API Center and ASP.NET Web API Integration: A Developer's Guide
In .NET 8, ASP.NET Ate
Building 3D apps with Net MAUI and Evergine
Dynamic PGO
Build .NET MAUI Apps with DevOps
Generative AI for the .NET Developer
Introducing project Kiota a client generator for OpenAPI
From databases to API: an efficient solution both on-premises and in Azure
Building resilient cloud services with .NET 8
CoreWCF - It's not just for modernizing old WCF apps
Mobile Application Development with C# only: Unifying Markup and Business Logic
COM Source Generation: An evolution of COM interop in .NET
Improve your ASP.NET core web app performance using Azure Cache for Redis
Build Intelligent Apps with .NET and Azure
Bye ASP.NET WebForm, Welcome Blazor: Transform your ASP.NET WebForm Chatbot in no time, and beyond!
Integrating Blazor with existing .NET web apps
Experimental C# Interceptors: AOT & Performance for free
Make a template for your template; profit!
Understanding Role-Based Access Control with ASP.NET Web APIs
How to build a story generator application for children with NET MAUI and Microsoft Azure
App Service the best place to host your .NET 8 Web Apps
Reactive programming with .NET MAUI | .NET Conf 2023
Leveraging the power of the .NET platform in Azure Functions
Building and scaling cloud-native, intelligent applications on Azure and .NET
Building planet scale .NET apps with Azure Cosmos DB
Blazor-testing from A to Z
EF Core database model first - take it to the next level with Power Tools CLI
Integrating Third-party Services with .NET 8's Identity Framework
It's C# All The Way Down! Using .NET for home automation with IoT devices
Best Practices for Cross-Platform .NET 8 Applications
Two ways of migrating old ASP.NET web apps to .NET 7/8
Migrating .NET applications to Azure
Migrating a React Application to Blazor
What's new in F# 8
Learn how to improve .NET application performance leveraging Azure Code Optimizations
Design UI agnostic cross-platform applications with .NET
How Amateur Devs & Infrastructure Engineers Built a Million-Dollar App
Monitoring of Containerized NET Applications in Azure
Blazor Puzzles and Answers
From Zero to Hero: Quickly Migrate Web Apps with Azure App Service
Building generative AI powered bots with Teams Toolkit and AI library for .NET
Community Toolkit Roundup
To the cloud with minimal changes: A pattern to make your app reliable
Spatial Data with Entity Framework Core and .NET MAUI
How to Achieve Optimistic Updates with Blazor and EF Core
Create an enterprise Copilot extension for Visual Studio Code through Semantic Kernel
Lessons from a data science startup using F# and dotnet in a developing country
From IL Weaving to Source Generators, the Realm story
Cloud-Bound: Stack Overflow Teams Embraces Azure
.NET App modernization and cloud migration: Cross Platform Enterprise focus
Visual Studio updates for F#
Meadow.Cloud and Azure, putting the “I” in IoT
We are not just a .NET Community, we run our community on .NET
Using .NET and Azure to build a green supercomputer for Vestas

Enjoy watching them!


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