I went speaking at Microsoft Tech Summit Frankfurt

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Normally I was only going to help out as a proctor during a workshop at Tech Summit. However on Tuesday evening I got a call from Microsoft corp in Redmond if I could take over the presentation in total together with a German MVP, Thomas . Of course it was short notice but luckily the subject itself was about App Services and Azure Functions about which I had been speaking on several occasions before. The other part was VNET and scalability sets and that’s where my partner for the day Thomas shone as he turned out to be an IT PRO background MVP. There was a good amount of crowd in the room (we called them the mushrooms as they were large off white half orbs). The only downside for the hands on labs for the people was the generally pretty flawed wifi connection present at Frankfurt Messe. Just too bad as everybody liked our presentation and the labs themselves a lot.

Some impressions:

The mushrooms

A mushroom

Inside a mushroom, people are going through their hands on labs


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