I went speaking about Bots at CODECAMP Romania

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Yesterday I went to Romania for the first time ever in my life. Reason: I went speaking at the CODECAMP conference Bucharest edition (apparently the first one they ever did in that city).

The talk itself was titled:

The good, the bad and the unexpected - a BOT story

I did the presentation in a large classroom at the Polytechnic university of Bucharest. The session itself was about the 2.5 years of experience me and the business teams I was working with built up while building chatbots and a full fledged multitenant bot platform and dashboard suite to follow up on conversations, test the different bots, get analytics, …
That’s hardcore experience you don’t find in any documentation and apparently the people liked it a lot.

Unfortunately for me I only got to Romania late Friday afternoon and I had to leave again on Saturday afternoon hence I didn’t have the time to at least properly visit some parts of the city Bucharest. But I for sure want to go back and explore more of this country.


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